I can still remember vividly the joyful countenance he always exhibited whenever he sees us, the cheerfulness in him and the unending generosity that was his unique identity.Keeping the ties of kinship is a major act of goodness in Islam that attracts immense reward and long life, one of fulfilment and success. My late uncle’s love for us is one that is only comparable to that of a mother, this is so because it’s indescribable. We thank the Lord for your life and bid you farewell until we meet again

While we mourn today, we also take comfort in the fact that your mission on earth have been fulfilled. You have left a void in the family that will never be filled. Uncle, you were and will always be an inspiration to myself, the entire family and anyone who worked with you. The benefits of your hard work is a living testimony for so many young men and women you took under your wings at a personal and professional level. For every institution you worked for, you laid the path for others to succeed. Your dedication to a cause was what set you apart. You touched so many lives by your selfless and countless acts of kindness, always giving and never expecting any favours in return. Words cannot describe this difficult moment, but if this is the last time I get to say goodbye then I know I will do so with the knowledge that I consider myself blessed to have lived this life as your nephew. Uncle, I still can’t believe I am writing a tribute because of your passing. May God Almighty keep you safe resting in perfect peace till resurrection day, Amen.!!!ADIEU MY LOVING UNCLE God in His infinite wisdom knows best.May Our Lord comfort and sustain your family, your wife and children now and always. Your sudden death came as a rude shock.We did not expect it and wish we had more time to continue to appreciate you. my brothers and I who you helped to nurture will really miss you and your honest fatherly advice. How you rode on those bicycles through rough roads just to make sure I had all I needed in school.Come rain, come shine you were there with my mum, your sister, when our father was away studying, you were our pillar of support.

I remember like yesterday how you never failed to visit me every month during my secondary school years at (insert name of school). You were an uncle in a million my uncle was humble, kind, loving, caring and good at heart and soul.!!!

It is with deepest sorrow and sadness that I write this tribute to you.